Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Glastonbury- 40 Years Old and Still Rocking- Part One

Thursday afternoon after a busy morning getting my hair blow dried, dropping the dog off at doggy day care and packing up the car. Myself, my better half and my dear friend Kirsty headed off to the festival mecca that is Glastonbury.

After many a heated argument over quickest way to get to the site, what to listen to in the car and my "little man syndrome" we were soon passing Stone Henge and a few miles from site, poor Kirsty was desperate to get away from our bickering not to mention the sweltering heat in our car.

We luckily had some great hospitality parking passes, meaning our walk from car park to camp site was far less painful than some other punters and hospitality camping is wonderful for one reason only.....flushing toilets which are cleaned daily and have toilet paper.

Also having a hospitality wristband means you have access to a "backstage" area which this year consisted of a bar, tea shop, smoothie shack, restaurant and lounge. When I first started going to Glastonbury 4 years ago this area was very small and you could bump into Kate Moss having a pint with her mates, nowadays they have this vvip section where air conditioned Winnebago's full of champagne are hidden away from non celebrities with their own bar and this year the usual suspects Alexa Chung, Geldofs, Sienna Miller, Kelly Osbourne, Henry Holland were hidden away in this pathetic section and barely came out to see any of the bands, is this what Glasto has become? full of hangers on, models and minor celebs only there for the fashion rather than the experience?

Anyway rant over.....

Luckily I know what ingredients create a wonderful festival atmosphere and especially for Glastonbury that means getting out and exploring the festival, which this year I was determined to do more than ever.

Something you learn very quickly at Glastonbury is that you can never see all the bands you want to, the site is too big and there are so many other cool things to see and do that you're better off just choosing one band that day you really want to see and try and stick to that. It's never about the bands for me anymore, just the people you spend your day with and the experiences you can have.

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