Still stressed out central here, the only good things going on are the weather, it's super sunny and warm and here. Also
my boyf has finally given in and let me have his Lindt bunny left over from Easter (!) needless to say that was devoured in minutes.
Still no news on my interview, I'm totally in limbo and a major grump. I've been a bitch to anyone that's phoned, text or spoken face to face with me this past week (including my mum) which is totally unnecessary and rude but I can't help it I'm terrible in moments like this.
This silly thing about this whole situation is I've not got any other options, I have to get this placement, I have no back up plan.
Deep breaths.
It's times like this when I start singing "Que sera sera, whatever will be will be, the futures not ours to see que sera sera"
Inner monologue...Head up, keep going, this can't be any worse than the time you lost your job after you bought your first house or when you failed your driving test for the 8th time (!)
Have a fabulous weekend whatever you get up to, I hope it's beautiful and by Monday my life will be changing all over again.