Monday, 19 October 2009

The winter tale of the little blonde girl and her sweet, sweet tooth.

Monday evening, the nights are already drawing in and I am NOT looking forward to my cycle home in the dark. However I do heart my wind up cycle lights from Tesco and quite like the freedom that comes with riding home and singing loudly to myself.
I hope the exercise keeps me feeling positive this coming winter.

One thing that does makes me feel better this time of year is comfort food and in my recent trip to America I have found two new sugary treats to yearn for, namely Rice Crispie Marshmellow Cakes and Butterfingers.
Most of the hotels we stayed at along the trip had a Starbucks in the lobby which sold these delightful pieces of marshmellowey heaven, to my horror this morning the Starbucks at work does not- Sob.

I also do not understand why the UK does not stock Butterfingers? I know that my teeth are secretly thanking god that they are not but still, I'm getting withdrawal shakes. Lucky for me my old house mate from Uni is Cabin Crew and can keep my sweet tooth satisfied until Nestle comes to their senses and starts stocking up Tescos sharpish!

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