Tuesday, 21 September 2010

HIPSTA- matic

Since getting my iphone4 I don't think I've been parted from it for more than a quick stroll around the block. So much so that I've taken to playing Solitare in the bathtub, I think I may need help...

My favourite app by far is Hipstamatic, the little toy camera app that makes everything look cool...


Play time


Bath time



Another rainbow, make a wish!

If you haven't already bought it, go get it now!


At the moment.

Life feels a lot like this...

I've no back up plan, no safety net, no rules.

Just me.



Thursday, 16 September 2010

It's a wrap.

It is the end of Big Brother (or, as it will be eternally known to me as Big Bother) as we know it. It was a pleasure to work on the final ever series of such a life changing reality TV programme. Here a few of my favourite photos from the wrap party, taken shortly before I left, very drunk and missed the last train home. Wally.


I'm so lucky to have amazing parents who are supportive and caring no matter what I do.

However if they knew I'd started smoking again they my be a little pissed off...
